Showing posts with label 7 website site like Avon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7 website site like Avon. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2021

3 Ways to Make Any Website Load Faster—Without Hiring a Developer

Make lots of money

3 Ways to Make Any Website Load Faster—Without Hiring a Developer

If you’ve ever tried to make your website load faster, you know what a nightmare it can be. It’s like this:
You know website speed plays a huge role in the success of your business. Studies show that each one-second delay in page load time can reduce customer satisfaction by 10% and conversions by up to 20%.
Still, there’s only so much you can do on your own before you decide you need to hire an expensive developer to help out.
The good news is, you don’t have to! There are a number of simple things you can do to make your website load faster—without having to spend a fortune on a developer.
In this post, we’re going to share with you three simple things you can do right now to make your website load faster.

1. Reduce Your Image Sizes

The rule of thumb is to use an image no larger than 100kb. It’s also essential to reduce their file sizes. There are many online tools that will compress images without compromising too much of their quality.

2. Remove Unnecessary Plugins

Plugins are great for adding new functionality to your website. However, some plugins can slow down your website dramatically. A site speed test can help you identify plugins that are slowing down your website, so you can determine whether it’s worth keeping them on your site or not.

3. Prioritize Scripts

Scripts are the code that makes your website work. They need to be downloaded in order for your site to load properly. If scripts aren’t prioritized correctly, they will slow down the rest of your website from loading properly.


3 Ways to Make Any Website Load Faster—Without Hiring a Developer

Put your website on a diet. The case study, “How Sprout Social Lost 105ms by Lazy-loading their JavaScript” by Addy Osmani, shows how by lazy-loading their JavaScript Sprout Social was able to cut it’s page load time in half. At the same time, users’ page abandonment rate was reduced by 12% and their bounce rate dropped 8%.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Website Review of Giving Assistant

Website Review of Giving Assistant.

Giving assistant website is a well-planned site with loads of user friendly features that makes it easier when navigating through the main page stores and respective coupon codes for cash backs.
The moment I visited giving assistant website, there is a definite aura and meaningful thoughts that lots of efforts have gone ahead to make it an excellent one. The site features which include the picture quality and engaging quotations of different online stores are one of the most interesting part of the site. I can vouch that even someone without a technical background will understand quite well how the site operates and where to find needed information.

On the main page of there are lots of online store brands with different offers meant to transform every visitor's shopping experience in form of cash back rates.

However, as regards how the thousands of stores available on Giving Assistant works, it works in such a way that shoppers are able to save money from everyday shopping from over 3000 online brands in view to have visitors donate a portion of their cash back for charitable actions. 

So while you save money by using the coupon codes of the various stores you simultaneously have the option to donate to any non-profit and charitable organizations based in the United States. 

In doing this, giving assistant have established itself as a platform that provides cash back alerts for various online stores like eBay, Reiss, Blue Nile, Groupon, Uber Eats, Walmart, Microsoft, StubHub, 23 and Me, AbeBooks, Abercrombie, Academy Sports + Outdoors, ACE Fitness, AliExpress, Amazon,, Anthropologie, Backcountry, Barnes & Noble etc. Just to list a few. 

In fact, the logo also gives an impressive description of what the site entails. As the name giving assistant implies, the logo of a hand with a heart of love gives an overview description of the company's aim. 

As much as the graphic qualities is a must for an appealing website, the graphics on giving assistant website is kept at minimum which effectively reduced the load time for faster access to have a smooth shopping experience. This is one of the significant thing I noticed on the site, it loads quite fast. 

As I mentioned above, the site is very much easier to navigate considering the fact that there is a drop down bar with corresponding store links that leads to different cash back offers. It won't be wrong to say the site is all encompassing to a significant extent. 

In all of the site navigation processes, the stores link consistency is also a key component that provided easy access to other embedded features like the button that automatically alerts users of potential cash back on various stores.

Conclusively, giving assistant website is an excellent one with lots of efforts to make users have fantastic experience with the shopping activities and a platform to donate to charity with easier steps. It's a beautiful work. The only touch up are minor things that does not affect the average experience by visitors. 

Stores like Guess , Amazon 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

8 ways to save your money

  1. Limit How Much Money You Carry for instance carry 20 dollars 
  2. Make List of important things you need Before Going Shopping – And Stick to Them!
  3. Make sure to Keep Your Credit Cards At Home.
  4. definitely  Remove Your Card From Online Accounts its easy to say check out 
  5. Anybody ask you for money tell them your Saving.
  6. Walk to as Many Places as Possible.
  7. Stay Busy doing at home stuff 
  8. Stop take out food start cooking your food its better away

Image result for how to save your moneyIn many cases, knowing how to stop spending money has to do with identifying the emotional and psychological triggers that cause us to spend. If you remove those triggers, you’ll remove the temptation and opportunity to overspend. So the next time you head out the door, keep these in mind

If you smoke try to cut down i know its hard for smokers to cut down but if you want to save you have to do what your goal is and keep going you will reach your goal

Different moods and emotional states can alter our energy resources, making us more prone to impulse shopping. For example, if we’re upset, stressed or anxious we may seek some retail therapy to feel better. But instead of hitting the mall or your favorite internet shopping site, hit the gym or the park. Going for a walk or doing some exercise will do wonders for lifting up your mood. Other moods can tint your shopping with rose coloured glasses, and everything begins to look like a great deal

Do you tend to spend more money than you normally would when you’re hanging out with your friends? Even the most well-intentioned friends can be a bad influence on us, especially if they have bad spending habits themselves. If you can’t afford to eat, shop, and vacation the way your friends do, it’s okay to decline their invites.

It’s more convenient to whip out a credit card to pay for a purchase than it is to count out a wad of bills, but this convenience is one of the reasons behind many people’s overspending. The downside of credit cards is the ease with which you can overspend; when we’re nonchalantly handing over our card to make a purchase, we’re often not aware of how much everything will add up at the end of the month.
With cash, you physically see how much you have, and how much of your funds are diminishing with each purchase. By paying only in cash, you’re forcing yourself to only spend what you have. So, give your credit cards a break and try to stick to a cash-based system to see if it will curb your spending habits. Based on your budget, take out some cash at the start of the week and put it in an envelope, which will act as your ATM for the week. Draw out a few bills here and there to cover your purchases, and if you find yourself running low on cash, you’ll have to figure out a way to make your money stretch.
By paying with cash, you’ll learn how to stop relying on credit and you’ll know how to stop spending money you don’t have. The cash envelope system will also encourage you to become more creative and resourceful. If you overspend and you don’t have enough to go out to dinner with your friends, you’ll have to figure out different ways of saving money, or think of budget-friendly ways to spend time with your friends.

Save at least $100 a month by limiting your meals out and takeouts to 2-3 times a week and sticking to home-cooked dinners and lunches the rest of it. Why would you like those expensive sandwiches for lunch at work if you can prepare even tastier, healthier and cheaper ones at home? And why would you order your dinners out if you can spend an hour or two on your weekend to cook a week-worth amount of homemade dinner food and make the full use of the groceries you buy anyway.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Other Companies like Avon

Other Companies like Avon

7 website site like Avon

Image result for avon productsAvon, a popular beauty company, is the second-largest direct selling company in the world. Its a multi-level marketing company, which means that you can receive profits from multiple revenue streams. Avon’s been around for 130 years, so by now you might have had a friend or family member who’s sold Avon products.
While many have had success by selling Avon products, there are several other companies with similar sales schemes. If you’re considering selling products for Avon, be it for the chance to work from home, an alignment with your interests, or influence of friends of colleagues, there are several other companies worth comparing before you make a final decision. Here, we’ve created this list of companies like Avon you may want to consider.
Fortunately, there are many companies like Avon, as well as companies with similar perks that sell different products. If you or someone you know is looking to make an income while staying home with the kids — or if you simply hate commuting — here are some opportunities to try. Let’s start with Avon first:

Avon’s KickStart Program, for Comparison


  • Year founded: 1886
  • Types of items sold: Cosmetics, perfume, clothing, and toys
  • How it works: With the KickStart Program, you choose from three kits that will help you get up and running. These kits are fairly inexpensive and start as low as $25. You will get your own free eStore so customers can shop with you 24/7. You will earn as much as 40% on sales. With the Kickstart Program, you can make more than $1,000 in as little as 90 days.
  • Startup fees: $25 and up.
  • How to become a seller: Fill out the form and you can become a seller in as little as five minutes.
  • Seller reviews: “It’s great that you can set your own work schedule. You can sell to everyone everywhere! Always meeting new people, either new customers, recruits or other sales representatives. To advance it’s pretty simple but you have to be consistent and love to sell and deal with people.” — Anonymous reviewer on
  • Visit the Avon website for more information

1. Bella Branch

  • Year founded: 1988
  • Types of items sold: Handmade personalized jewelry
  • How it works: You can get up and running in minutes. You don’t need to buy kits or build a website. Just sign up and you can start selling right away. You’ll receive 25% commission on everything you sell.
  • Startup fees: You can join for free, but your commission will be reduced to 10%. For the paying version, you will pay a one-time setup fee of $19.95, plus $12.95 a month.
  • How to become a seller: Learn about their affiliate program and sign up.
  • Reviews: Find affiliate and customer comments on the Bella Branch Facebook page. Bella Branch is not rated by the BBB.
  • Visit the Bella Branch website for more information

2. Linen World

  • Year founded: 1979
  • Types of items sold: Linen World sells linens, home decor, kitchen products, toys and organizational solutions.
  • How it works: Earn 20% commission on sales. Host parties, advertise your business through social media or hold fundraising events.
  • Startup fees: You can join Linen World as a distributor absolutely free! There are no hidden fees or startup costs.
  • How to become a seller: Fill out the form on their website and someone will contact you shortly so you can start making money.
  • Reviews: Find affiliate and customer comments on the Linen World Corporate Facebook page. Linen World is not rated by the BBB.
  • Visit the Linen World website for more information

3. PartyLite

  • Year founded: 1976
  • Types of items sold: Candles, home décor, and gifts
  • How it works: You sell products primarily through parties and online orders. You receive a 25% commission. If you host one party (with sales of $350) and get one order ($50 or more) per week, you can expect to earn $100 per week. With three parties and four online orders per week, you can earn $312.50. If you sell $2,000 or more in one month, you receive a 7% bonus.
  • Startup fees: If you hold a party and generate at least $350 in sales, there is no cost to you. Otherwise, a kit costs $99.
  • How to become a seller: Join online. If you choose to join for free, you’ll need to connect with a consultant in your area in order to proceed.

4. It Works! Global

  • Year founded: 2001
  • Types of items sold: Body contouring products that can tone and firm any area on the body while reducing the appearance of cellulite
  • How it works: You buy the wraps for $14.75 each and sell them for $25. You make $10.25 profit on each wrap. It’s that easy!
  • Startup fees: You must purchase an It Works! Sales Kit (cost unknown) and renew your distributor agreement annually ($35 charge). See the complete distributor agreement for more details.
  • How to become a seller: Fill out the online form to learn more about becoming a distributor.
  • Reviews: It Works! Global has a C+ from the BBB.
  • Visit the It Works! website for more information

5. Jewelry In Candles

  • Year founded: 2013
  • Types of items sold: Natural soy candles with jewelry inside
  • How it works: You earn 20% commission on sales.
  • Startup fees: Depends on the package you choose. An e-commerce kit is $19.95 and a starter kit is $99.
  • How to become a seller: Visit their website to choose the package of your choice. Once you receive your package, you can start selling.
  • Reviews: Jewelry in Candles has a C+ from the BBB.
  • Visit the Jewelry In Candles website for more information

6. Rodan + Fields

  • Year founded: 2007
  • Types of items sold: Skincare products created by dermatologists
  • How it works: You earn money through retail profit, commissions, and performance bonuses. The company also offers incentives, such as trips.
  • Startup fees: $45 for a Business Portfolio.
  • How to become a seller: You must have a sponsor, which is someone who introduces you to the product and who is willing to help you start and grow your business. To begin the enrollment process, enter your sponsor information.
  • Reviews: Rodan and Fields has an A+ from the BBB.
  • Visit the Rodan + Fields website for more information

7. SimplyFun

  • Year founded: 2004
  • Types of items sold: Educational, but fun, games for children
  • How it works: Host parties — either in your home or online — and earn 25-42% in commissions. You’ll also receive bonuses and rewards.
  • Startup fees: You will need to pay $129 for a kit that includes everything you need to get started.
  • How to become a seller: Visit the join now page. You’ll go through various steps in order to get you up and running quickly.
  • Reviews: SimplyFun has an A+ from the BBB.
  • Visit the Simply Fun website for more information