Friday, November 19, 2021

3 Ways to Make Any Website Load Faster—Without Hiring a Developer

Make lots of money

3 Ways to Make Any Website Load Faster—Without Hiring a Developer

If you’ve ever tried to make your website load faster, you know what a nightmare it can be. It’s like this:
You know website speed plays a huge role in the success of your business. Studies show that each one-second delay in page load time can reduce customer satisfaction by 10% and conversions by up to 20%.
Still, there’s only so much you can do on your own before you decide you need to hire an expensive developer to help out.
The good news is, you don’t have to! There are a number of simple things you can do to make your website load faster—without having to spend a fortune on a developer.
In this post, we’re going to share with you three simple things you can do right now to make your website load faster.

1. Reduce Your Image Sizes

The rule of thumb is to use an image no larger than 100kb. It’s also essential to reduce their file sizes. There are many online tools that will compress images without compromising too much of their quality.

2. Remove Unnecessary Plugins

Plugins are great for adding new functionality to your website. However, some plugins can slow down your website dramatically. A site speed test can help you identify plugins that are slowing down your website, so you can determine whether it’s worth keeping them on your site or not.

3. Prioritize Scripts

Scripts are the code that makes your website work. They need to be downloaded in order for your site to load properly. If scripts aren’t prioritized correctly, they will slow down the rest of your website from loading properly.


3 Ways to Make Any Website Load Faster—Without Hiring a Developer

Put your website on a diet. The case study, “How Sprout Social Lost 105ms by Lazy-loading their JavaScript” by Addy Osmani, shows how by lazy-loading their JavaScript Sprout Social was able to cut it’s page load time in half. At the same time, users’ page abandonment rate was reduced by 12% and their bounce rate dropped 8%.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Want To Grow Your Youtube Channel Here's How

Make lots of money

Want To Grow Your Youtube Channel Here's How 

Grow Your YouTube Channel Faster!

TubeBuddy is a browser extension that lets you get more views and increase subscribers by providing you with tools that help you optimize your content in the fastest time possible.

 Everything You Need To Easily Manage, Optimize, And Grow Your Channel. Try TubeBuddy Now! Signup For A Premium Account, And Take Your Channel To The Next Level Today. More

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

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Saturday, September 15, 2018


Make lots of money


Image result for amazon

I am sure by now everyone knows amazon so im going to be very quick with this one 
this is what i have learned about amazon 

If you shop online and the product that you want is not at the online store that you want you just head over to amazon look up the same product most of the time its there and Cheaper 

These are just some stuff that i was looking at 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Website Review of Giving Assistant

Website Review of Giving Assistant.

Giving assistant website is a well-planned site with loads of user friendly features that makes it easier when navigating through the main page stores and respective coupon codes for cash backs.
The moment I visited giving assistant website, there is a definite aura and meaningful thoughts that lots of efforts have gone ahead to make it an excellent one. The site features which include the picture quality and engaging quotations of different online stores are one of the most interesting part of the site. I can vouch that even someone without a technical background will understand quite well how the site operates and where to find needed information.

On the main page of there are lots of online store brands with different offers meant to transform every visitor's shopping experience in form of cash back rates.

However, as regards how the thousands of stores available on Giving Assistant works, it works in such a way that shoppers are able to save money from everyday shopping from over 3000 online brands in view to have visitors donate a portion of their cash back for charitable actions. 

So while you save money by using the coupon codes of the various stores you simultaneously have the option to donate to any non-profit and charitable organizations based in the United States. 

In doing this, giving assistant have established itself as a platform that provides cash back alerts for various online stores like eBay, Reiss, Blue Nile, Groupon, Uber Eats, Walmart, Microsoft, StubHub, 23 and Me, AbeBooks, Abercrombie, Academy Sports + Outdoors, ACE Fitness, AliExpress, Amazon,, Anthropologie, Backcountry, Barnes & Noble etc. Just to list a few. 

In fact, the logo also gives an impressive description of what the site entails. As the name giving assistant implies, the logo of a hand with a heart of love gives an overview description of the company's aim. 

As much as the graphic qualities is a must for an appealing website, the graphics on giving assistant website is kept at minimum which effectively reduced the load time for faster access to have a smooth shopping experience. This is one of the significant thing I noticed on the site, it loads quite fast. 

As I mentioned above, the site is very much easier to navigate considering the fact that there is a drop down bar with corresponding store links that leads to different cash back offers. It won't be wrong to say the site is all encompassing to a significant extent. 

In all of the site navigation processes, the stores link consistency is also a key component that provided easy access to other embedded features like the button that automatically alerts users of potential cash back on various stores.

Conclusively, giving assistant website is an excellent one with lots of efforts to make users have fantastic experience with the shopping activities and a platform to donate to charity with easier steps. It's a beautiful work. The only touch up are minor things that does not affect the average experience by visitors. 

Stores like Guess , Amazon